Monday, July 25, 2011

Because when you stop dreaming it's time to die

Why write anything at all? Ever?

Because sometimes the things you do help validate your existence.  It's hard to compete in a world driven by competition and comparisons.   

But you can and shouldn't ever give up.  Why?  Because that defeats the point of living.  Why do anything? Because it helps you find YOU.  Maybe you don't need to be found and maybe everything is peachy keen, if that's the case... then this isn't for you.

Love.  Give or take. What's your preference?  Be careful what you choose because someone will jump on the opportunity to do the opposite.  Not because they want to see the world burn, but because some people need to feel that validation only given by others.  Or they simply care about others wellbeing.
You still with me?
Let me break it down for you.

If you lived only by yourself with no interaction or knowledge of anyone else.  Would you be the same person? It's doubtful.  But enter human interaction and we start to learn not just about other people, but everything about ourselves.
So who is right in seeking love and when is giving love appropriate?  You should always give more than you can take.. in everything you do.
So when does this emotion we refer to as love enter the picture? That's the ultimate question.  How and when do we know we are in love?
When it just feels right.  And that's the scientific answer!  (but not really and I am not a doctor of any kind)

So what can I do to feel right when all I seem to do is feel wrong?  Take the time to see what's bothering your emotions and think about it.
I am writing this because a friend of mine is stuck perhaps in some self loathing.  How does she deal with it?  By convincing herself that others are the only people who can make her feel "right"
You can not and will not EVER feel "right" unless you love the only person that can truly know the real you.
Ask yourself if you have been in that situation.  Totally immersed in someone else with no thought of your well being.  6 billion people on this planet and you think you cant live without one of them?  Maybe not for a while. .. maybe that time spend together will stick with you and the pain of loss will win... but not forever.  So take a step back and look away to the sky.

I heard some great advice years back and it goes a little something like this "You can not be in a relationship unless you can be completely independent"
That's some great advice.

If you find yourself wondering what is missing.  It's usually you.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

When life gives you lemons, You'll probably get robbed.

And I quote
"In a Cleveland suburb earlier this month, kids operating a lemonade stand were threatened and robbed by a group of teenagers, according to the Miami Herald.
The thieves approached the stand in a rusty car and threatened to beat up the lemonade-sellers if they didn't hand over the cash, 11-year-old Omar Schpeb said in the article.
The kids wisely handed over the $13.50 they earned selling lemonade; later, an anonymous donor gave the police station $20 to recoup the kids' losses. "

Saturday, July 16, 2011

When all you can smell is taste

Oh, grammar is important. I forgot!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?
Sure coldplay have a lot of money and popularity...
I don't have an issue with coldplay's music.  I just think it's a stupid name. Hotstop is obviously much cooler but wouldn't fit the music brand.

I recently read an article.