Sunday, March 27, 2011

This life will be the death of me.

From now on I will refer to blog posting as dropping a log.

I recently made the trip to MTL, prior to my arrival in MTL, I decided to stop by TO.  It was here I met a nice fellow. We shall call him.... "stardust"
Stardust told me that creative art and expression usually stems from depression and is often the cure to the current state of mind.  "you feel depressed.. you create something to feel better"  This got me thinking.
If stardust is saying this and he believes it... Then he probably isn't the only one who does.
So there are artists who self medicate by creating art.
Alright, nice.
But then I got to thinking.... are they expressing the depression they feel? Perhaps they are taking the depression and some how physically moving it onto another medium? Or is it the cure they have created and wish to share?

I think depression exists in everyone, but for today we are going to call it "evil"  Simply for arguments sake and because I like to relate things back to religion.
So this "evil" may lay dormant in some, and may thrive in others.  But it exists in us all.
You are happy, you are sad.  where is the middle ground and how much of each do we need?
If you are too happy, are you insane? is it a disease?
If you are too sad... it certainly is a problem, I am not going to argue that.
I'd rather see you smile, It lights up the room.
Guess it all comes down to your capability to fix that in which seems broken.  Pick yourself up when you are down etc...  Or take meds.....

If creating art can help battle this state of mind. Great!
But what if the art created is depression incarnate...

Is art the cure?  Or the disease replicating into our souls through our eyes and ears, infecting us and destroying the only hope we have left?
No.  That's just crazy talk. 

Art is perception.  And I hope it makes you smile, cry and sleep.

What does art mean to you?
If you don't know. Find out.  At least do so before you're dead.

Uh yeah, and stop searching for meaning in everything.  Share your knowledge instead.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's almost time for dinner, get your shoes on

I'm not about to get into family values, not today. (even though I am touching on the subject)
The family is yours to call your own.  
I don't want to start on how this planet is becoming more and more detached from one another.  Maybe another time....  Negativity breeds negativity. 

I have been told my whole life that everything happens for a reason.  Then why are you reading this?
Sure everything happens for a reason,  But that doesn't mean it should.  Unless it's convenient of course.  

Let's surf the internet and find 4,452,039 people complaining about the state of the world and doing nothing more than maybe a few drugs to make it seem clearer.  
I just read some 24 year old's rant of facebook about how the world has it all wrong.

Shut up.  

On a fresher note:
Oslo (Norway) has an impressively hi-tech, futuristic approach to garbage disposal. The homes of many residents are connected to a system of underground pneumatic pipes that simply suck away domestic garbage. Oslo has also abolished landfill sites, instead turning the energy generated from incinerating city-centre garbage into electricity and heating for locals.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yeah, so it's been a while. But only to those who aren't in a coma.

The idea of a blog is still running through my brain like a log on a river that has dried up many years ago.  It's stuck.
I would like to write more and more often - but it seems I would also need to advertise myself to get people to read it.  I've never been a fan of selling in general.

I do my best to write that which is of interest, not just to me but hopefully to you too.  Why? because I'm not selfish.
I don't think you are a retard. In fact you are retarded if you think I do.