Thursday, January 27, 2011

the sky is falling.

In recent news.
Hundreds of birds fall from the sky.  Lets look into it. 

***CHICAGO (Reuters) - The deaths of 200 starlings in Yankton, South Dakota this week is no mystery -- they died as the result of poison set out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an official said on Thursday.
USDA wildlife biologist Ricky Woods explained that a large group of starlings was causing problems in a north Nebraska cattle feedlot, eating the feed and leaving waste on both the feed and equipment. So the USDA put out DRC 1339 poison for the birds, Woods said.***

So "the USDA put out DRC 1339 poison for the birds" Oh, Mystery solved! Good thing the birds didnt die because the government put poison into the air..... wait a minute...
What about the birds in Arkansas? Any update on that? "Wildlife experts determined that those birds died as a result of being startled by New Year's Eve fireworks, ......and then flying into buildings and trees." Good thing no one other than Beebe, Arkansas celebrated new years or all the birds in the world would of died!!!! 

My ex had this to say about it all...
birds get tired. It's pretttty clear that they were EXHAUSTED and fell from the sky because they didn't take enough breaks. Mystery solved. Geez. No...don't bother looking into it anymore. I have solved the mystery.
2,000,000 Dead Fish Wash Up in Chesapeake...
40,000 Crabs Wash Ashore in Kent...
100 Tons of Fish Dead in Brazil...
500 dead penguins have washed up on beaches in the Sao Paolo state of Brazil (normally only 10 each year are found, but whatever)
...Obviously it's pretty tough being an animal. You migrate, you get tired and die. En masse.
except for the 1000+ turtledoves that died in Italy; they died from "indigestion".

It all seems a little fishy to me.. pun intended.  I am not here to tell you that the world is ending, There is enough fear mongering on this planet as it is.  I do however wonder why all of this is happening at once. 
It could be 2012, Al Gore or the Iranian Government.  Personally I don't care.
Either way you slice it.  It's f'd.

The first blog of all time. At least for this blogless soul.

There comes a time in everyone's life when you realize that your grammar isnt all that great.  Your friends are nothing more than a fading memory and your loved ones are simply too far and few in-between.

Enter the journey for more.  Some call it "self reflection", some call it "mid-life crisis" Some even go as far to call it "shut the hell up, no one cares what you think"
Me however, I like to call it a blog.

Here's mine.