Friday, October 9, 2015

So it's Blue Jays playoff season again, same thing every year.  The Jays make the playoffs and we all get to...  WAIT A MINUTE! THE BLUE JAYS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS!?

Time for some serious hashtagging!

But seriously, please do well Toronto.  Everyone is cheering for you.  If you aren't cheering for Toronto it's because you are evil.  Who doesn't like the underdog?  Oh you think they aren't underdogs because they did so well in the regular season?

Go back over 20 years ago - Because that's the last time they were in the playoffs.

Go BJs!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Incubus - Trust Fall

UPDATE 09/30/15:  I suppose having some new Incubus is better than no new Incubus.  The drums and guitar are still top notch and Brandon voice is still infectious.

Original Post:
A band I loved and grew up listening to.. Incubus.
Incubus feels the need to release an EP?  Uhhh isn't that reserved for bands that make under the 1 million per year mark?  No?  Ok if you say so.

First single and title track.

First off, I suppose I am not surprised since their greatest hits release Monument and Melodies (and the essential incubus) it was clear they didn't really care about making music for the fans but simply getting by with half assed releases.  You don't agree? Oh well that's ok.
Second - Trust fall at least still sounds like Incubus.. a little, but kind of like a lingering disease or flu that is there but you are unsure if it will get the best of you or if the worst is over.  Make sense?  Oh it doesn't?  Damnit. 
Third - "Let me introduce you to my slippery fingers" - Make Out Party (Track 02) 
Gross Brandon, you are a grown man and shouldn't be singing about your slippery fingers. Unless of course you are actually an Incubus, in that case carry on... however you are part of a band, and you can't all be Incubus' succubus things... or can you.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Incubus, ahem... excuse me Brandon Boyd - Please PLEASE PLEASE start thinking about someone other than yourself.  We get it, you are great and all powerful and people love your poems.  Now can you please thank someone other than the women who love you by singing about things other than how magical your love is.  Truth is your voice is fun to sing to and I am reminded of that with the sometimes joyful listenings of your solo project.  But this forced contrived lyrical mix-mash is tough to get behind.  

Incubus - "I remember feeling the opposite of falling" Absolution Calling (Track 03)
Me - "I remember feeling something passionate and meaningful when listening to your music" Absolutely disheartening 

Overall consensus - Incubus has become a happy go lucky party time almost rock band that you may need to be under the influence of something to truly enjoy.   

The talent is there, listen to anything on Make Yourself.  Sure the message of self worth and rehabilitation is there and can't be repeated over and over again, but it's the music, the composition, the sound.

Monday, April 27, 2015

I woke up today liking life as I like to do.

Got to work... BANG

Refused announce new album,

I also find out Refused has a new track I can listen to!  (Refused was a politically charged energetic wonderful mix of raw emotion and insanely catchy rhythms and loud sounds)
OH sweet mary mother of music this is good news.  If I could of asked for anything in the music world it would be for Refused to party like it's 1920, that reference has no merit but the point is that Refused's album the shape of punk to come is one of the greatest fast paced recordings in history.

SO all is well because Refused is making a whole new album 17 years after breaking up.  WRONG

The new album includes two tracks co-written by Shellback....  uhhh what?!?!  Why would they even need that ?!?!? oh riiiiiiiiight to try and make as much money as possible.  So long Refused, it was nice knowing you.
From Refused's previous self acclaimed "last official press release" titled "Refused are f*ing dead" 15 years ago. - "We were hoping that we could be the final nail in the coffin of the rotten cadaver that was popular music, but unfortunately the reification was too big for us to succeed with our feeble attempts to detour this boring discourse"  Well Refused, I guess if you hate something long enough, It consumes you and eventually takes over. (can't beat um join um)
Now the video isn't bad, the music seems like a highschool DJ mix up of such hits as track 3 off The shape of punk to come - The Deadly Rhythm. Add some fast drums to that mix... but not he raw fast heart pulsating drums you are used to, no, drums that seem like they are coming from a keyboard and are a little too clean.  I WANT REFUSED.  But hey maybe I'm just jaded.  You can watch the video here.  I will buy the album, and I will hope and listen to the rest with open ears and open heart.
As all of your parents like to say - I'm not angry, I'm disappointed.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Leave your beliefs out of this.

Let's get one thing straight  -  I believe in believing in something,  You can and will do as you please, But I hope you can back up what you say and do.  That's all I ask of anyone.

Religion -  specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.

Science - systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.

Ricky Gervais posted a tweet today about Science and Religion. 

First off - Religion AND Science save people's lives.  They just happen to do it in two completely different ways.
Let's say that Religion is a set of beliefs that people choose to live by.  Ok good.
Let's say that Science is a set of beliefs that people choose to live by.  Ok good.

This is not a battle between the two.  It is the recognized fact that both are oh so very similar and both can motivate a human being to do wonderful or terrible things.

Religion started wars and killed people,  Science backed the the wars by creating weapons that can destroy our entire planet.   Humans are to blame for everything, NOT religion or science. They are simply catalysts.

Religion tries to instill morals.
Science doesn't care about you.  But it can help with your headache caused by religion.

Both are amazing and have the power to change human beings.

Are you religious?  Are you Scientigious?


***  (this is my life motto, you can borrow it if you need to) ***
And for the love of god and science, don't lie to yourself. ***

So, what good does pretending that you are Science do?  Let's ask Ricky Gervais.

First off - F you Ricky Gervais for being a self serving (insert all ego related english words)

In response to your tweet:
Science created weapons.  Such as the one that shot the girl in the head.

Felix Baumgartner (the man who jumped from space)  said this - "When i was standing there on top of the world so humble, you are not thinking about breaking records.  I was thinking about coming back alive.  You do not want to die in front of your parents and all these people... I though 'please God, don't let me down."

So I say this to Ricky Gervais -
You are not Science because Science is based on the closest thing we have to factual evidence.  You are in fact a moron, NOT Science.
You can not speak to Religion.  The word doesn't actually cause problems and isn't a person or animal.
.. oh this is a joke and it's funny?  No wait, you're Ricky Gervais... and you are not funny.

This tweet is a screw you to Religion in a world where more and more people are lost in life and can't find purpose.
You are appealing to the type of person who thinks that believing in Science will help them in life and bring fulfillment.  Thus turning Science into a religion itself.
You Ricky Gervais... may in fact be the Devil.  Neh, you are the Devil's bitch.

Do I have it all wrong?  Then please just answer me why you need to attack religion,  It is not the reason this world is the way it is.  People are the reason this world is the way it is.  There will ALWAYS be a set of beliefs that people will choose to follow... Always.

So shut your stupid mouth.  Please.  It is hard enough that I have to hear the garbage spewing out of the radio while trying to live my life.  But having to listen to or read this kind of uneducated sneer makes me want to punch you in the skull, and I don't even like violence.

Disproving religion helps no one.  Thank you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Post

People listen for two reasons.
1.  Learn.
2.  Be entertained.

Who cares, I don't like learning and you are boring.

Quote of the day - "Safety is an illusion. No weapon ever made can save you."